How Will You Forge Your Future?

“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.”





Vice Chairman’s Message

We at Confucius Institute – University of Agriculture, Faisalabad are committed to building a platform to equip students with languages skills that shape their careers. Our Mission is to be an Institution of distinction that is committed to the development of human capacities by disseminating knowledge on the core principles of: quality, access, impact, and relevance. The Institute provides an opportunity for Pakistani Students to learn Chinese not only for academic purpose but for professional growth as well. The Institute carries a strategic vision to further strengthen educational cooperation between Pakistan and China.

Over the years, the Confucius Institute UAF has provided splendid opportunities for Pakistani Students to learn about Chinese language and culture. We hope with the support of Chinese International Education Foundation the Confucius Institute – UAF will continue to promote cultural exchanges, global diversity, and advancement in teaching methods.

Prof. Dr. Zahir Ahmad Zahir,

Vice Chairman,

The Confucius Institute, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.

Teaching Sets

So far, there are 6 regular teaching sets in 4 different cities in Pakistan.

  1. University of Agriculture, Faisalabad

  2. Government College Women University, Faisalabad.

  3. City School.

  1. Karakorum International University.
  1. University of Engineering and Technology
  1. Teaching Set at Sahiwal Coal Power Plant.

Success Stories

From 2015 up till now, CI-UAF has enrolled more than 22,000 students, we held more than 50 functions and activities, with an audience larger than 54,000. Over 600 students got scholarships, including one semester/one academic year and summer camp scholarship.


Enrolled Students




Scholarship Holder

The Chinese Bridge Competition

The Chinese Bridge competition is a great opportunity for participants to showcase their proficiency in Chinese language and culture. Organizing it in-house provides a platform for students or enthusiasts to engage with each other and further their understanding of Chinese language and culture

The poster competition on topics like "Chinese Festivals" and "One Belt One Road"

It sounds like a vibrant and culturally enriching celebration! The presence of the Vice Chancellor and other esteemed personalities surely added significance to the event. The poster competition on topics like "Chinese Festivals" and "One Belt One Road" must have been a creative showcase of students' understanding and appreciation of Chinese culture and international relations. It's great to hear that prizes were distributed to acknowledge the efforts of the participants. And what better way to conclude such an event than with a cup of tea, fostering further interaction and camaraderie among guests and attendees. Overall, it sounds like a successful and engaging International Chinese Language Day celebration at CI-UAF

On March 13, Consul General Zhao Shiren of the Chinese Consulate General in Lahore and his delegation visited the Confucius Institute - University of Agriculture, Faisalabad


Your Future Starts Here.

“Teachers can open the door, but you must enter it yourself”.